Sunday, December 31, 2006

good news!

the stones have been released! last week i received word from erik at yellow mountain stoneworks that the stones passed through customs inspection just fine and are now resting comfortably in a storage facility downtown. the much anticipated delivery is scheduled for wednesday morning, 03 JAN 07.

as the baseline project evolves, the surrounding landscape is evolving as well. charles anderson has designed a grid forest that plays off the central axis of the baseline. this area, known as "the flyway", will provide a beautiful forest setting for park visitors to enjoy while the red alders will provide an attractive environment for birds and other wildlife. volunteers for MESA have planted most of the trees west of the baseline and have plans to continue with more plantings to the east. on clear days, the baseline and surrounding woodlands will frame a splendid view of mount rainier to the south. the collaboration with MESA and charles anderson architects has added an exciting dimension to the project. below is an overall perspective on the layout of the stones, stretching for one full kilometer from the 000 mark at the south end to the 1050 mark on the north edge of the sports meadow.


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